Friday, July 4, 2014

10. Grew Up Fast

Growing up is seeing drama on twitter and logging out for the night.
Growing up is not always having to have the last word.
Growing up is understanding there is so much more to a relationship than a pretty face and laughter. 
Growing up is realizing morals are powerful.
Growing up is being able to look a girl straight in the face, knowing the boy you once loved cheated on you with her, and not saying a word about it. 
Growing up is caring more about the smile on your little brother's face when he wakes up in the morning than the new KDs that are coming out tomorrow.
GROWING UP is not caring about your followers to following ratio. 
... Growing up is being able to admit the truth when you are much more comfortable with a lie.


Growing up is me admitting that I was and am wrong. All the time. I sin. I make mistakes. I've loved and lost. I've lost and loved. Growing up means smiling, nodding, even when I know I want to be the last to speak. 

Growing up means so much more than can be put into words

Throughout the past year I have grown each and every single day and I continue to grow.
I see where improvement is needed.
I also do not want to be vain and I will stop talking about myself now.
Growing up is much more than age, growing up is owning up to mistakes and no longer hiding is the past. 
That is all. 

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