Tuesday, April 1, 2014

3. Blog for the Ville

As I was sitting here thinking of a topic for my next blog
I thought 

I love poetry, 
But I asked myself

"Well what do people want to read about" 

Then I thought..
People don't read.

But then ...
Then I realized I DONT CARE, 

don't get me wrong I care about those around me but I do not whatsoever care if people want to hear what I write about in my blog because I'm going to write them anyways and I'm gonna be happy while doing it.

So this is my blog for the Ville. 
Aka Corpus Christi
Aka Corpitos
The City by the Bay
The former #1 city in teenage pregnancy
As well as previous fastest city in America
My hometown

So to those back in CC, 
Too my fellow Corpus Christians. 
Not neccessarily the Christians in Corpus, just those native to my home town. I do miss you all oh so much 

and if you don't leave, stop complaining you hate the city
Stop complaining how everyone is "fake"

Life isn't about being fake or real, it's about finding yourself and the person God intended for you to be so you can be all he's destined and be GREAT

Truth is also you shouldn't worry about other people in the first place. 
See that's where most people go wrong in this lifetime. When they worry about others. 

Worrying about others is what keeps us from happiness, just the other day I was in my feelings then I asked myself "why am I worrying about this person when I don't cross their mind" 

I'm here keeping a smile from my face, and for what? No reason. None at all. The past is over and you can't do a darn thing to change it. Tho you can forgive those who hurt you, as for forgiveness, as well as forgive yourself & just enjoy life.

Explore new things
Meet new people
Discover new places
God didn't create this entire earth for you to stay in the same place your whole life

And if you do, don't complain.
Complaining is a sin, if you didn't know...
..Then again we all sin anyways, 

but that doesn't make it ok. 

But sinning deliberately is what's gonna keep you from heaven. &dont say I didn't warn you. 

So to the ville, enjoy life. 
If you leave Corpus you can always go back and visit
&if you stay I applaud you. Just don't complain about the city, you choose where you live. 

That is all. Until next time, 

     Oh& I get to see Jermaine in 3 weeks for those who care 😌

1 comment:

  1. greatest quote of the week:

    God didn't create this entire earth for you to stay in the same place your whole life
