Friday, June 6, 2014

8. Lit


Sole basis of 60% of conversations on twitter now a days.

"Pass the virtual blunt"

"Cigarettes kill, weed doesn't"

"I'm gonna smoke I don't care what anyone says"

& let me be the first to say I have nothing against weed itself.

Not what you expected to read huh?

intentionally breaking the law... O

I know plenty of people who smoke. But it's not my life, I'm going to tell them I don't agree with it, but I cannot stop them from living their life. 
Just because you smoke doesn't mean I am going to judge you.

Who am I to judge you because you sin differently than me?

What I do know is that I try my best each and every second of the day not to sin in every way I possibly can.

Let me also boldly claim I do not believe in smoking weed, not because it is "bad" but because it is a hallucinogen. This means it transforms your mindset in order to make you "relax". The reason I don't believe in this is because I believe God has the power to do that, WITHOUT the assistance of drugs nor alcohol. 

I think it's funny that many people actually believe I smoke marijuana. Because I'm always so calm and peaceful, and speak of love & joy and claim to be a hippie on occasion.. & I love reggae&Bob Marley.... But I do not smoke whatsoever. Like at all. 

Why does a crack head do crack? 
Because it makes them feel good.

Why do alcoholics drink?
Because it makes them feel good.

Why do pot heads smoke? 

this is a form of lust (one of the seven deadly sins) and "needing" weed is putting the substance before GOD, which is what I do not believe in. 

I don't know if weed really doesn't kill.
I don't know if God put it here for medical help. 
I don't know all the answers, if I did then I'd be God.

What I do know is that if you feel the need to use a substance in order to relax & you can't use a bible or prayer to do that? That's where the issue comes in.

I do not smoke. I do not drink. I do not have sex. 
Am I better than you? No.
But I am trying to be the change I want to see in this world. 



Enjoy peace of mind. That is all. 

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